I'd send you a text

I'd send you a text when I wake up,

To tell you of all the dreams that I had of you,

Of peaceful walks and fighting wars,

To simple kisses and really long hugs,

I'd tell you of how I felt when I first woke up,

The longing for you that overwhelmed me

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I'd send you a text while I'm at work,

To tell you how much I love you,

As if I'd not told you a 100 times already,

But that's a 100 times too small,

I'd write a short poem,

Something befitting of a queen as beautiful as you are,

Enough to make you blush, make you smile and to make you happy inside

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I'd send you a text as I'm about to go to bed,

To tell you how much you made my day and how much I love you,

I'd tell you how much I look to seeing you as I dream,

To see your lovely smile and your beautiful hair,

I'd tell you just how beautiful I think you are,

Until words fail me and sleep starts to beckon,

I'd tell you that you're the best thing that's happened to me,

In this life and probably the next